‘Traditional’ tools
So, maybe you are already familiar with the basic approaches to, and tools used in monitoring and evaluation. If so, you can go straight to the Full 1-2-3 Method (which offers accountability to external funders) or the Quick 1-2-3 Method (which is suitable for self-evaluations or quick appraisals).
If you are not sure then you may wish to familiarise yourself with the following information.
What are the Main Approaches to Evaluation?
There are different approaches to evaluation which have implications for the kind of investigative methods you are using, reporting you are undertaking and lessons you are hoping to learn. That does not mean that you cannot combine different approaches. Just, make sure you that you know you are doing so.
Incorporating M&E?
You should ideally incorporate M&E at the conceptualisation/ planning/ design stage of your project/programme. If you have, you will be well placed to use the Full 1-2-3 Method, the first step of which involves selecting either a metrics- or theory-based evaluation framework.
You can build in M&E using the following key tools:
What are the Main Evaluation Frameworks?
The models seen below are examples of two commonly used M&E methods. They are connected to the 1-2-3 Method, so make sure that you are familiar with both frameworks.
- The Logical Framework (logframe)
- The Theory of Change (ToC)
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