Metrics-based Approach

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

This approach is above all focused on measuring and quantifying outputs and outcomes. It is heavily focused on hard variables (something which can be measured in quantitative data or ‘hard’ facts). For example: the number of vaccinations given, the percentage of patients cured, the pass rates of secondary school pupils over a three-year period.

A metrics-based approach is often associated with accountability approaches, with the demands of external funders and with the logical framework. It does not explicitly encourage participation by beneficiaries or stakeholders in the M&E process, although it does not rule out their involvement in data collection.

A good example of the kind of information-gathering process used in a metrics-based evaluation is given below. Our Full 1-2-3 Method shows how this approach can be combined with the logical framework and other data collection/ analysis techniques to give the kind of hard data that appeals particularly to donors focused on results-driven processes.

Village AVillage BVillage C
Extremely low income
(30% of media)
$16, 100$18,400$20,700
Low income
(50% of median)
Moderate income
(80% of median)

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