Linking the Logframe to M&E
One very popular metrics-led way of proceeding is the OECD evaluation model, the evaluation focuses on five variables:
Relevance: were the operation’s objectives consistent with beneficiaries’ needs?
Effectiveness: were the outputs and outcomes achieved?
Efficiency: were activities implemented on schedule and within budget?
Impact: what changes did the project bring about?
Sustainability: are the benefits likely to be maintained for an extended period after assistance ends?
The link between the logframe and the OECD criteria is illustrated very clearly in the diagram below, drawn from IFRC M & E guide (2011, p. 10).
Going Further: Logframe
- Developing and Using Logic Models for Project Planning and Evaluation NIH Science Education Projects Annual Conference May 15
- Evaluation Workshop Self evaluation – some workable ideas and approaches.
- Objectives and Indicators for MCH Programs
- Indicators Dr Murali Krishna Public Health Foundation of India.
- Program Evaluation and Logic Models
- Indicators for ACSM.
- Outcomes. What is an outcome? An outcome can be defined as the benefit or difference made to an individual as a result of an intervention