Quick appraisal & self-evaluation (volunteer organisations)

Photo by tribesh kayastha on Unsplash

Many of the evaluation techniques highlighted under the metrics and theory-based evaluations are arguably less useful for volunteer organisations; especially those which send individual volunteers (rather than cohorts of volunteers) to particular villages for a specific time-limited period.

There is, of course, a case for volunteers to design their own log frame or theory of change (the questionnaire begins by asking about assumptions), but for many individuals, this will be their first experience of the global South and they will have many other things to worry about before and during their stay.

A basic M&E framework is likely to be useful if a group of volunteers have been sent to the same area or have been tasked with the same set of activities. However, here the assumption is that the individual volunteer is essentially on his/ her own, albeit operating within the framework of a volunteer organisation and its partner in the South.

Quick appraisal & self-evaluation (volunteer organisations)

STEP 1: Pre-arrival questionnaireSTEP 2: Quick Appraisal MethodsSTEP 3: End of Tour Questionnaire
Quick Appraisal or
Self-Evaluation for VOs
Pre-arrival QuestionnaireJournal/ Reflective log
Snap-shot interviews
Appreciation Line
Most Significant Change (streamlined)
Palm on chest
Graffiti Wall
Mood box/Pebbles in a box
Short Participant observation
Pre- and Post Quizzes
Small focus groups
Time Diagram
‘End of tour’ Questionnaire

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